The animal is still not being protected, despite all the laws and regulations in the Netherlands. The degree of protection depends on what is politically and economically feasible and that the animal appears to be very little to deliver.
The lawyer Eugenie de Bordes presents in her thesis Animals in the proceedings a bleak picture of the unwillingness and inability of the legislature that the animals in our society a little more protection.Tomorrow she completed her PhD thesis at the University of Utrecht.
The unwillingness and inability to express themselves especially in the use of vague concepts in texts. Concepts where judges struggling with being able to work. That's the last time not improved. '' Of the Public Ministry were delivered, a large part was dropped largely settled with a transaction. Eventually, only a very small part in the court, which does not always come to a conviction.''
The Bordes notes that many concepts in the texts over the years have ended, not really have been content. Whether the concept of abuse, cruelty, needless animal suffering, respect, good - none of these concepts has lead to an improvement in the situation of the animal.
It is in assessing whether an animal is being abused is still not what animals feel and experience from their own perspective. The latest developments indicate even a step back in time: the protection of animals is another matter of bourgeois respectability: Animal abuse is'' not done'', instead of a criminal offense.
Eugenie de Bordes proposes an end to the appalling legal protection of animals. Years ago it was cruelty to animals from the Criminal Code removed and placed in the Health and Welfare. This change has not been in favor of the animals and can therefore better be undone, she says.
Cruelty to animals found in Penal Code
She advises cruelty to bring back under the Criminal Code and may equate to the mistreatment of people, with the maximum penalty 3 years imprisonment. Also, it proposes a special court room for animal issues in focus. This safeguards the quality of justice to improve, and judges to achieve a uniform interpretation of standards which set limits on the handling of animals
I have 40,000 signatures needed.
When I have obtained 40,000 signatures, will be referred to the Assessment. That committee will then determine whether my proposal is submitted to the Chamber.
The assessment can spot check the signatures submitted by me are correct. This means that signatures must be provided of addresses and birth dates. Your contact details are so necessary because otherwise there could be just names invented. Names without names and addresses are not recognized by the assessment! It takes a lot of you when you want to put a signature but I hope this will not deter action for my drawing!Evidently, your information under the privacy legislation.
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