Religious Freedom in Viet Nam

French translation below.

Please sign this petition addressed to the European Union, the United States government, ASEAN governments and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to ask the Vietnamese government to formally recognize the Plum Village practice of buddhism.  By joining the petition and the group of 100,000 people asking for religious freedom, you will make a great measurable step towards global human rights in Southeast Asia.

The Bat Nha community has been under severe violent governmental pressure to cease activity in Viet Nam. The monks and nuns were forcefully expelled from Bat Nha monastery and are been persecuted in their place of refuge, Phuoc Hue temple, Bao Loc, in Lam Dong province. These monks and nuns are practicing in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and continue his tradition in his homeland.

Our initial effort and petition to protect the Bat Nha monastics was recognized by EU and U.S. leaders, which in turn caused the Viet Nam government to ease pressure on the Bat Nha monastics for the last three weeks of Oct 2009.  But on Nov 2nd, the Chief of the Province Lam Dong summoned the Abbot who is currently hosting the 400 refugee monks and nuns, and demanded he force them to leave by the first of December.

Vietnamese Police Carry Away a Bat Nha Monk in the Lotus Position

The strong harassment and intimidation of this community continue with attempts to disband them from Phuoc Hue and other temples where they have sought refuge. They also are threatening to draft the young monks into the army within a few weeks. We need your help to bring an end to religious persecution in Viet Nam with this new petition to ASEAN, European Union, United States governments and the High Commission for Human Rights to continue diplomatic pressure, and give legal status to these monks. The pressure should demand that the monks be allowed to practice together.

The Bat Nha monastics are requesting the Government of Vietnam and authorities in Lam Dong Province to:

  • Immediately stop the current campaign of persecution and all attempts to intimidate, harass, disrupt and forcefully disperse the community
  • Officially confirm the Bat Nha monks' and nuns' full right (guaranteed by the law of Vietnam and international treaties to which Vietnam is party, and already stated in government documents 212/CV/HDTSand 525/TGCP-PG issued in 2006) to practice Buddhism according to the Vietnamese Plum Village tradition, together as a community, in an established location of their own choosing.

Religious freedom is a basic human right and a core principle of democracy. These 400 monastics, all Vietnamese citizens, aspire to offer the fruit of their practice of the mindfulness trainings to their homeland. These gentle, peaceful people seek to soothe society's ills, bridge understanding between family members, friends, co-workers, faiths, and to spread greater world, human and environmental peace.  Senior lawyers in Hanoi have confirmed these nuns and monks have not violated a single law of Vietnam.

Please act on behalf of global human rights and this young generation of peace seekers in Vietnam. By signing the petition and strengthening political pressure, you are supporting peaceful, nonviolent action to support a soothing salve quietly working its magic of openness and tolerance.  And tell your friends about it and have them sign, too.

Thank you from all the monastics of Plum Village (France), European Institute of Applied Buddhism (Germany), Deer Park Monastery (CA, USA), Blue Cliff Monastery (NY, USA), and the Bat Nha-Phuoc Hue Monastics (Viet Nam),  as well as all lay-friends of Thich Nhat Hanh globally.

En Francais

Libert religieuse au Vietnam


A l'attention des gouvernements de l'UE, des Etats-Unis et du Haut-Commissaire pour les Droits de l'Homme aux Nations-Unies


Veuillez signer cette petition adressee a l'Union europienne, au gouvernement des Etats-Unis, aux pays de l'ASEAN et au Haut-Commissaire des Droits de l'Homme aux Nations-Unis, pour demander au gouvernement vietnamien de reconnaitre formellement la pratique bouddhiste du Village des Pruniers. En signant cette petition, e l'instar des 100 000 autres personnes, en faveur de la liberte religieuse, vous aidez a faire un grand pas vers le respect des Droits de l'Homme dans leur globalite en Asie du sud-est.

La communaute de Bat Nha fait l'objet de violentes pressions de la part du gouvernement pour cesser son activite au Vietnam. Les moines et moniales ont ete expulses de force du monastere Bat Nha et sont persecutes dans leur lieu de refuge, le temple Phuoc Hue a Bao Loc, dans la province Lam Dong. Ces moines et moniales pratiquent selon la tradition du maitre zen Thich Nhat Hanh et continuent sa tradition dans  son pays natal.

Notre effort initial la petition pour proteger les monastiques du temple Bat Nha, a travers la petition precedente, a ete reconnue par l'Union europienne et les dirigeants des Etats-Unis, et la pression du gouvernement vietnamien a grace a cela diminue pendant les trois dernieres semaines du mois d'octobre 2009.  Mais le 2 novembre, le chef de la province Lam Dong convoqua l'abbe du temple qui heberge les 400 monastiques refugies et exigea de lui qu'il force les Freres et Soeurs refugies a quitter le temple d'ici le 1er decembre.

Le harcelement et l'intimidation continuent, notamment en tentant de les separer et de les chasser de Phuoc Hue et des autres temples oe ils ont cherche refuge. Ils  menacent aussi d'envoyer les moines au service militaire d'ici quelques semaines. Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour mettre fin aux persecutions religieuses au Vietnam avec cette nouvelle petition, pour que les gouvernements l'ASEAN, de l'Union europienne et des Etats-Unis ainsi que le Haut Commissaire pour les Droits de l'Homme continuent la pression diplomatique.


La liberte de culte est un droit fondamental et un principe central de la democratie. Ces 400 monastiques, tous citoyens vietnamiens, pratiquent selon les enseignements du maitre zen Thich Nhat Hanh et aspirent a offrir a leur pays natal les fruits de leur pratique des entrainements a la pleine conscience. Ces personnes douces et paisibles cherchent a apaiser les souffrances de la societe, a renouer la communication dans les familles, entre amis, entre collegues de travail, entre differentes religions, et a developper la paix entre les hommes, pour l'environnement et pour le monde. Des avocats de la ville de Hanoi ont confirme cette semaine que ces moines et moniales n'ont viole aucune loi du Vietnam.


S'il vous plait agissez en faveur des droits de l'homme et de cette jeune generation de paix au Vietnam. En signant la petition et en renforcant la pression politique, vous soutenez une action paisible et non-violente. N'hesitez pas a partager cette petition a vos amis pour aider dans cette situation difficile et urgente.

Un grand merci, de la part de tous les moines et moniales du Village des Pruniers (France), de l'Institut Europeen du Bouddhisme Applique (Allemagne), du monastere Deer Park (Californie, USA), du monastere de Blue Cliff (New York, USA), de la Maison de l'Inspir' et des moines et moniales de Bat Nha/Phuoc Hue (Vietnam), ainsi que tous les amis laiques du maitre zen Thich Nhat Hanh.


We the undersigned are asking you to bear pressure on the Vietnamese government to formally recognize the Plum Village practice of buddhism.  By supporting religious freedom, you will make a great measurable step towards global human rights in Southeast Asia.

The Bat Nha community has been under severe violent governmental pressure to cease activity in Viet Nam. The monks and nuns were forcefully expelled from Bat Nha monastery and are been persecuted in their place of refuge, Phuoc Hue temple, Bao Loc, in Lam Dong province. These monks and nuns are practicing in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and continue his tradition in his homeland.

Our initial effort and petition to protect the Bat Nha monastics was recognized by EU and U.S. leaders, which in turn caused the Viet Nam government to ease pressure on the Bat Nha monastics for the last three weeks of Oct 2009.  But on Nov 2nd, the Chief of the Province Lam Dong summoned the Abbot who is currently hosting the 400 refugee monks and nuns, and demanded he force them to leave by the first of December.

Vietnamese Police Carry Away a Bat Nha Monk in the Lotus Position

The strong harassment and intimidation of this community continue with attempts to disband them from Phuoc Hue and other temples where they have sought refuge. They also are threatening to draft the young monks into the army within a few weeks. We need your help to bring an end to religious persecution in Viet Nam.

The Bat Nha monastics are requesting the Government of Vietnam and authorities in Lam Dong Province to:

  • Immediately stop the current campaign of persecution and all attempts to intimidate, harass, disrupt and forcefully disperse the community
  • Officially confirm the Bat Nha monks' and nuns' full right (guaranteed by the law of Vietnam and international treaties to which Vietnam is party, and already stated in government documents 212/CV/HDTSand 525/TGCP-PG issued in 2006) to practice Buddhism according to the Vietnamese Plum Village tradition, together as a community, in an established location of their own choosing.


Religious freedom is a basic human right and a core principle of democracy. These 400 monastics, all Vietnamese citizens, aspire to offer the fruit of their practice of the mindfulness trainings to their homeland. These gentle, peaceful people seek to soothe society's ills, bridge understanding between family members, friends, co-workers, faiths, and to spread greater world, human and environmental peace.  Senior lawyers in Hanoi have confirmed these nuns and monks have not violated a single law of Vietnam.

Please act on behalf of global human rights and this young generation of peace in Vietnam global human rights. Thank you from all the monastics of Plum Village (France), European Institute of Applied Buddhism (Germany), Deer Park Monastery (CA, USA), Blue Cliff Monastery (NY, USA), and the Bat Nha-Phuoc Hue Monastics (Viet Nam),  as well as all lay-friends of Thich Nhat Hanh globally.


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