Demand Release of Wuppertal Zoo Bonobos, Birogu, Bili and Mato to Sanctuary

  • par: kimberly Leo
  • destinataire: Wuppertal Zoo Officials, European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA), World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), Germany

This is my second Crusade against this Group of "Animal Care Professionals". The Wuppertal Zoo, The European Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

The first was a social media crusade for the release of Bonobo Bili to Sanctuary. Bili was being repeatedly attacked by other members of The Wuppertal Zoo Bonobo Group. NOW another Bonobo is under attack at this same facility. The allowance of this Cruelty has to Stop!

It had been documented that there was no proper introduction process between Bili and the others, one reason is there is allegedly no extra housing space to facilitate introductions. Visitor video showed the attacks and photos documented the injuries, that included open wounds and broken digits. Wuppertal Zoo Director basically said, Bili must adjust or be euthanized. Outrageous? Yes! AND the EAZA and the WAZA, supported this! Even more curious, the Jane Goodall Institute supported this!

NOW, four months later, a different Bonobo has been attacked by the Group! Birogu, is the new Bili! Birogu is being brutalized! Photos from today June 2, 2019 show him with open wounds and lost digits! It has been reported that he has allegedly been separated to sub-group with Bili and Mato. ... After public outrage over Bili, Bili was put together with the only Bonobo that didn't harm him, Mato.

I have questioned, Why must these two live like this? Isolated in the only room available in a facility that is allegedly already short of space for the Ape Groups they house. Why can Bili and Mato not be moved to Sanctuary together to create a much needed Bachelor group for surplus Bonobos? And NOW Why can't all three, Birogu, Bili and Mato be moved to Sanctuary? My only assumption is that Wuppertal Zoo supports Animal Cruelty and will keep all Beings for their selfish needs, which in this case must be with intention to breed Bili and possibly Birogu, at any cost. ... Zoo Wuppertal, EAZA, and other Zoos under EAZA support the rampant protocol of euthanizing surplus Animals, rather than rehome them.

The Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary (WAMS) team traveled to Wuppertal to continue with discussion of their offer to give Bili a home. Zoo Officials, concluded they would not release Bili and that WAMS had no experience handling Bonobos and that Bili would live alone. Bonobos are classified as Lesser Chimpanzees. WAMS has cared for Chimpanzees for many years. To date there has never been a Sanctuary that has held Bonobos, so yes, they would be the first. There has to be a starting place!

This Petition is to Demand the Release of Bonobos, Birogu, Bili and Mato to Sanctuary.

Or alternatively, create Bachelor Group at another Zoo that currently does not have Bonobos and has appropriate space to house them with both inside and outside access.

To learn more about the abuse these Beings are being subjected to, Please visit my Facebook Group, Save Bili The Bullied Bonobo at Wuppertal Zoo

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 5 ans
Wow! The Petition has really blown-up in the last 24 hours! Thank you to everyone who has signed! Please keep sharing! Bili and Birogu need your help! Birogu continues to be brutalized, and it is acceptable to the Animal Care Professionals at the Wuppertal Zoo. Bili and Birogu, along with their best mate Mato, deserve a life of peace. Thank you for caring! .. For the latest photos of Birugo's injuries and other updates, please visit my FB Group Save Bili the Bullied Bonobo at Wuppertal Zoo
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