Prohibit Pet Stores to Sell Animals

Pet stores in the State of Texas are not required to provide the basic necessities of life for animals. Owners and employees are not trained in the proper care of animals and they do not require a license to operate. Tragedies like those seen at Petco and PetSmart can be avoided, in Texas, if laws are updated to meet current standards.

I advocate for animals welfare, both foreign and domestic, wild and captive, and defender of the Earth.


I want to urge the State of Texas to adopt modern day laws to regulate pet stores and any entity in the pet trade commerce and if necessary, prohibit the sale of animals at pet stores in the  state.

The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 and subsequent amendments does not provide protection for animals.   The Act simply provides guides on how to handle animals in research. In subsequent amendments, provisions were included to  exclude certain animals. Language in at least one amendment specifies that the Act applies to only warm blooded animals, not reptiles.


Key points in the Act provide for specific protections and standards for entities dealing in animal commerce. However, in the State of Texas, there is a deficiency of even the most basic necessities for survival in animal welfare.


In the State of Texas, animals are expendable.


  1. Food, Water, Sanitation:  In the State of Texas, pet stores do not need to provide the basic necessities of life for animals in the pet store industry.


  1. Veterinary Care:  In the State of Texas, pet stores do not need to provide veterinary care to ensure healthy animals.


  1. Unweaned Animals: In the State of Texas, pet stores are not prohibited from selling unweaned animals.


  1. Lighting and Stress: In the State of Texas, pet stores do not need to provide adequate lighting for animals.


  1. Housing: In the State of Texas, pet stores do not need to provide adequate housing for the animals.


  1. Temperature and Ventilation: In the State of Texas, pet stores do need to provide livable conditions or proper ventilation for animals.


  1. Lemon Laws: In the State of Texas, pet stores do not have to accept returned animals that are either sick or have health problems.


  1. Licensing and Recordkeeping: In the State of Texas, pet stores are not licensed and not required to document their sources for animals.


  1. Training: In the State of Texas, pet store owners and employees are not required to be trained in the proper care of animals.

In the State of Texas, all the above mentioned points are lacking.  There is no protection for animals in pet stores. In fact, in Texas, a pet store definition of an animal is “every living dumb creature.”1  It is an archaic mentality that needs to be changed. Animals are intelligent and some species even  exhibit reasoning skills.


I am petitioning the State of Texas to either license pet stores or just prohibit them from selling animals. If we do not, animals will continue to suffer.  


We don’t want to hear more horror stories, no more Petco or PetSmart. Petco and Petsmart should only be allowed to sell pet supplies.



Lucio Ortega MLS

101 W Resaca Drive

Los Fresnos, Texas 78566



  1. State Pet Shop Laws: Texas


  1. Animals Frozen Alive, Crudely Gassed at Petco, PetSmart Supply Mill


     3.  Reptiles Suffer, Left to Die at Another Massive PetSmart Supplier


     4.  Behind Closed Doors of a PetSmart Animal Supplier


Signaures from Puppy Mill Regulation Petition: To View copy and paste into your browser.

Mettre À Jour #5il y a 8 ans
I am closing this petition. The best way to help animals is to boycott all pet stores like Petco and PetSmart and adopt from shelters to save lives. I think the scope for this petition was too wide for success. Thank you for caring for animals.
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 8 ans
VICTORY !!! for the Puppy Mill Industry. Regulations ensure standards of care for animals who suffer immeasurably. First it was New Jersey and now, Pennsylvania. Read complete story here, just copy and paste into your browser. We are making progress, first the mills then the pet shops !!
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 8 ans
I have changed to the title of the petition. I realized that it is not just the State of Texas has this problem, it is nationwide. Animals suffer in pet stores. Unwanted animals are just discarded or killed. I have also added signatures from they regulate puppy mills petition. Both go hand in hand. We must stop the source to stop the pet store issue. Thank you for caring for animals.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 8 ans
No new developments as of yet. I will keep you posted. You can also follow my blog @ Thank you for caring for animals.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 8 ans
Hello everyone, thank you for signing my petition. I did receive acknowledgement from one of the representatives from the State of Texas, @TXRepE3. I tweeted my petition and emailed my petition to his office. Drafting legislation is time consuming so I am sure he will take my ideas into consideration. I will keep you posted, thanks again.

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