End Victor Harbor's Horse-Drawn Tram

  • par: Thomas L
  • destinataire: Mayor Graham Philp - mayor of Victor Harbor

Victor Harbor is the location of Australia's last horse-drawn tramway, as proudly boasted by the attraction's website. Beautiful Clydesdale horses are forced to pull 100,000 annual patrons the 650-metres along a causeway in heat, rain and cold.
With bans occurring across the world of horse-drawn vehicles, this carriage, catering to in excess of 25 people pulled by a single horse, is archaic, inhumane and grossly outdated.
Please help put an end to this atrocious practice:

Dear Honourable Mayor Philp.

Victor Harbor is a destination of much beauty - the expansive southern ocean, the spectacular coastline and the unspoilt rural communities.

it is your responsibility to create the very best impression of your electorate.

To this end, we your potential visitors, locals and tourists emphatically  urge you to cease the archaic and inhumane practice of horse-drawn carriages. 

Carriages for just two persons are being deemed grossly inhumane across the world, making your tram - carrying in excess of 25 persons - simply staggering in its lack of compassion and violation of animal rights.

We, the compassionate, beseech you to cease activity of the Victor Harbor Horse-Drawn Tram immediately, and shall actively boycott your electorate until such a time as this cessation is put into effect.


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