Tell Vermont Attorney General to Shut Down Law-breaking Vermont Slaughterhouse

Stench, blood, terrified screaming animals—some running around with bullet holes in their heads—body parts falling out of trucks, dripping blood as they leave the slaughterhouse for rendering plants, reveal a brutal ending for animals, who have no voice and no choice as to what happens to them. For neighbors of the Vermont Packinghouse these conditions create a traumatic living environment which also drives down property values.

Newspaper stories published nationwide have exposed horrible animal suffering at Vermont Packinghouse in North Springfield, Vermont. Due to incompetence, the slaughterhouse has repeatedly violated state and federal humane slaughter laws and has been fined. It is also listed on the USDA's website as one of two slaughter houses having the highest number of suspensions resulting from repeated violations while slaughtering animals, who were not stunned properly and were still conscious while butchered.

According to reliable sources, the slaughterhouse employees have a high rate of drug use, which increases the likelihood of human error and animal suffering.

International organizations such as PETA and Mercy for Animals have taken steps against this company. Complaints filed with Vermont's Attorney General's office are still pending. There is no reason other than profit for Vermont Packinghouse, which has plans to expand, to continue operations. Please sign this petition and help shut down Vermont Packinghouse. 

Group Slams Vt. Slaughter Operation - Valley News
Slaughterhouse Back in Operation After USDA Suspensions - AP
Vermont Ag Agency charging slaughterhouse with violations - Burlington Free Press 
PETA calls for investigation into slaughterhouse - VT Business Magazine
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 6 ans
We've topped 100K signatures! Help increase the pressure and tweet at the VT AG right now. We need a loud, unified voice to shut down this slaughterhouse of horrors! You can also click here to share the petition right now.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 7 ans
Vermont Packinghouse continues to break the law. Help us shut them down. Share our petition and help us top 100K signatures. We'll be delivering your signatures to the VT Attorney General as soon as we hit that goal.
You can read about the recent sheep incident at the slaughterhouse here Thanks for taking action for humane animal treatment!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Hello and thanks to all of you who have signed this petition. We will be delivering the petition and comments in late March and would really like to get to 100,000 signatures. We are at almost 83,000 now, so we don't have far to go. Can you please share this petition with your friends?
Thanks very much for you help in shutting down this negligent slaughterhouse.
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