STOP Developer from erecting a lit sign to advertise their business in a residential area

    Cara Co Development has appealed Kingston By-Law Number 2009-140 requesting to erect a large, lighted ground sign in a residential area.
    This sign will directly impact numerous homes on the street with its light shining bright enough to disrupt the sleep patterns of residents.
    From a study on light on health from Harvard University: At night, light throws the body's biological clock—the circadian rhythm—out of whack. Sleep suffers. Worse, research shows that it may contribute to the causation of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
    Wright crescent and Palace Road are residential neighbourhoods. This sign is prohibited by the above noted by-law. We, the undersigned, do not want the City of Kingston to grant Cara Co Development an allowance to permit this sign.
    Additionally, there are no other ground signs with lighting on Wright Crescent. There is a new build that did not install a lit grounds sign. There are condos on Wright, also without a lit ground sign. There are many apartments on Wright, none of which have lit ground signs. All of the other residents and developments on Palace Road and Wright Crescent have abided by the by-law. Cara Co should not be granted the exception.
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