• par: Anita Lee
  • destinataire: Gov. Steve Bullock Montana

On September 15th 2013, Open hunting was declared on the Montana Wolves. The reasons behind this hunt was because of live stock..The real reasons behind this hunt goes much deeper myself and others believe.This goes directly to an industry that is exploring for gas, oil & shale. These animals are being exterminated and removed so these companies may explore. Won't ypu please sign this pettion to Boycott Montana? I urge you to cease purchasing  products produced in Montana, such as beef, leather goods, and visitation to this state, until this state finds a more realistic & humane solution to this situation!

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 11 ans
These creatures, man was given charge over. Yet, there are those that a destroying these Gods creatures. Please read my petition with your eyes wide open, your mind's eye will see, that we, can not let the destruction continue. We will all loose. And loose forever....
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 11 ans
These are the family units being destroyed by ignorant ranchers....
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 11 ans
I know many of you have signed and shared this important petition! If you haven't share this petition yet, please won't you take a moment and do so now? So many wolves lives are at stake!

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