Stop the sale of Red Eared Sliders by Petco

Red Eared sliders begin life as quarter sized turtles. They are cute and
adorable. They require little in the way of care. If you give them the proper
pellet diet, clean water, heat, UVB light and a rock to climb out on they thrive easily in a home environment. When they grow up the situation changes. Females grow to the size of dinner plates. They can no longer live in fish tanks, they cause disease in humans and are often released into the environment. This causes disease to native animals, they push out the native species of fish, frogs, crustaceans  and other turtles. Most rescues will not accept them and the ones that specialize in Turtles and Tortoises are over flowing. This gives the owners little options. Many grow sick and die. They For more information go to
We are your public. We the people are asking you to stop selling Red Eared sliders in every state you do business in. Your company states " In February, 1999, the PETCO Foundation was established to promote a wide variety of edcational and charitable activities nationwide by partnering with local animal welfare organizations at the grass roots level" Red Eared Sliders are considered pests in many states. The entire country of Israle has banned the animal.  You promote these turtles as good pets or pets that are easy to care for when in actuality they require large amounts of time, space and money to be maintained properly.  We are asking you to join with our organizations and help stop the sale of these turtles and protect the environment from people who can not take proper care and release them.
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