Addressing health concerns of pregnant women behind bars

    The Pregnant Women In Custody Act should be passed and is imperative to ensuring women incarcerated keep their rights. The bureau of justice must report statics on women in prison to see if they are give the recourses and support they need such as regular doctor visits, if parental classes were offered, and how long the mother stayed in the hospital for. While incarcerated women are first given the option to take a pregnancy test upon arrival or receive contraception to prevent STDS and pregnancy. Women who have been incarcerated have been given access to a nutritious diet, clothes, food, and water, and other necessary supplies the mother needs to feel safe with their child in prison. New mothers in prison are given the option to receive parental education classes , counseling, and birth support. For incarcerated women who are pregnant they limit restrictive housing as well as solitary confinement. New Mothers who are incarcerated are given the option to pregnancy services and taken special care of in prison to ensure they receive correct maternal support through this process, ensuring their human rights are sustained. I strongly urge everyone to sign this petition as it will help new mothers receive the proper support and care necessary to raise their child in a healthy manner. I believe that everyone deserves to find comfort and take ease during challenging issues in their journey towards motherhood.

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