Petition to Universal Pictures to release “Jungle Mystery” on DVD

  • par: Mary
  • destinataire: Universal Pictures

Please sign the petition to Universal Pictures to release their 1932 film serial "Jungle Mystery" on DVD.

Now that "Jungle Mystery" was restored by the Universal film preservation department in 2015 and showcased at Cinecon 52 in 2016 in Los Angeles, film serial fans, plus fans of the starring actors, want to see this released on DVD. Prior to its restoration, "Jungle Mystery" was considered to be a "lost film" in the United States. In addition to the restored full 12 episodes, the 75 minute long feature cutdown of the serial was also restored. Ideally, the full length film serial and 75 minute feature would be combined together in one DVD package.

Starring Tom Tyler, Noah Beery Jr, William Desmond, Cecilia Parker, Carmelita Geraghty, and Philo McCullough, "Jungle Mystery" is based on "The Ivory Trail", a story written by Talbot Mundy. As a film serial, "Jungle Mystery" is an important part of film history, its main star Tom Tyler, who is best known for his role as Captain Marvel in "Adventures of Captain Marvel" (1941), also starred in three other Universal serials: "Battling with Buffalo Bill" (1931), "Clancy of the Mounted" (1933), and "The Phantom of the Air" (1933). It is time to add "Jungle Mystery" to make a near-complete set of Universal film serials available to the public on DVD. Within the last five years, a number of other Tom Tyler films on former "lost status" have also resurfaced, primarily in film archived in the United States and Europe, and are being considered for home DVD release. Four years after its restoration, "Jungle Mystery" deserves to be on the consumer DVD market.

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