Attention, FCI Papillon & Phalene size!

  • par: Papillon Phalene
  • destinataire: Club Français de l'Epagneul Nain Continental, CLEPNACO Club Belge de l’Epagneul nain Continental, Club Royal du Petit Griffon, du Brabançon et de l'Epagneul Nain Continental

We, breeders of Papillon and Phalenes worldwide, would like to ask the French and the Belgian Papillon & Phalene Clubs to consider changing one sentence in the official FCI Standard N° 77.

To replace the sentence of "height of the withers",

  • now saying:     "About 28 cm"
  • to say:               "Maximum 28 cm".

When the standard was changed in 1990, the word Maximum was taken out. It has caused disputes and controversy about whether for instance 32 cm dogs are within the standard.

We breeders feel that both the French and Belgian Papillon & Phalene clubs have the responsibility today, as the countries of origin, to correct this serious fault in our standard.

We feel it is of utmost importance to keep the main description of our breed true to what it has been in the past and still should be, a “Small de luxe Toy spaniel” according to the general appearance in the standard.

To state a height maximum of 28 cm will bring the FCI standard in accordance with the English, American and Australian standards, which all say max 28 cm.

Please do not allow other changes that are only pleasing the visual look, like the percentage of color on the body.

You have made an important contribution to reaching our goal of hopefully changing the standard.


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