Demand Trip Advisor STOP promoting and profiting off animal torture and the impending extinction of Asian elephants!!
Much attention is paid to the potential extinction of African elephants due to poaching, but few know that the current population of Asian elephants is only 5% that of the African elephant population. This isn't being driven by poaching, but rather the selfish desire of tourists to ride elephants, watch them perform in circuses, and paint pitcures. For every one elephant giving rides in Thailand, 4 were killed during the process of them being stolen and smuggled from the wild and broken for the industry. The breaking process alone leaves the majority of the elephants dead or permanently mainmed. If this continues, Asian elephants are expected to be extinct from the wild in under 5 years. The situation couldn't be more dire and your help is needed!
Last year Trip Advisor Stephen Kaufmen committed to stop selling tickets on their site but they continue to profit directly from cruel and exploitative animal attractions by promoting them on their website and allowing them to keep their status as "Reccomendated Travel Spots" by Trip Advisor. In addition the site has not held their word in implementing a 'travelor education portal' for their website where tourists can learn about exploitative and abusive animal attractions. This was something promised to be implemented by early this year and has yet to happen. Inquriys into why this hasn't happened have not been responded to.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 7 ans
Trip Adviser has FINALLY implemented an 'education portal' to educate tourists about cruel animal tourist attractions. Recently, a rep with TA contacted me regarding this petition. They defend their decision to continue advertising cruel animal tourist attractions by pointing out they're no longer selling tickets to them. I reiterated that their defense is insufficient. The only way TA can live up to their commitment is through an outright ban on such advertising. Keep signing and sharing!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
I am so thankful to everyone who've signed and shared this petition, 20K signatures in 5 days! I just learned One Green Planet has picked up this petition and am incredibly excited. Be sure to check out their article here: