Demand Free Access to Feminine Hygiene Products for All

Menstruation is a natural and unavoidable part of life for millions of women and girls worldwide. Yet, access to basic menstrual hygiene products remains a barrier for many, leading to serious consequences such as missing school, work, or being subjected to stigma and embarrassment. No one should have to choose between managing their period and other basic needs due to financial hardship.Provide free menstrual hygiene products in all public schools, universities, and public institutions to ensure no girl or woman misses out on educational and work opportunities due to lack of access to tampons, pads, or other necessary products. Ensure that feminine hygiene products are available in public restrooms just like toilet paper, soap, and hand towels are. Menstrual hygiene is a basic human need and should be treated with the same level of importance. End the "tampon tax" by eliminating the sales tax on all feminine hygiene products, as these are not luxury items but essentials for daily living. Create programs for low-income women and homeless shelters to ensure that every individual has access to free, safe, and hygienic menstrual products.

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