This Newly Discovered Mesmerizing Hummingbird Is About To Go Extinct!

The bluethroated hillstar, in all its glory, was only discovered in early 2019 for the first time. Sadly, almost as soon as we met this amazing creature, we realized that it may very well leave earth forever thanks to us. You see, the hummingbird lives only in bushlined rivers in a 45-square mile area of Ecuador. Tragically, it's the same area where precious metals that humans want to get their hands on exists. 

Please sign on to ask that this land be left alone so that the bluethroated hillstar and it's elusive neighbors can stay safe and thrive!

There are efforts to include this special area in a water protection act that would also save drinking water for nearly half million people. Not only would the protection be good for humans and this vibrant and rare bird, but the same area, known as the paramo is home to other rarely seen animals such as the spectacled bear, mountain tapir and Andean condor. 

The bluethroated hillstar is truly a dazzling creature to behold, it's a tiny thing with a irridescent emerald and saphire coloring. Experts believe that there are more species yet unknown to us living in the paramo. There was even a new amphibean discovered there last summer, the tik tik frog. 

The threat to this bird's habitat is simple: human greed. There is gold, copper and lead in the area and the people who want it don't care how many undiscovered species they wipe out to get it. 

We must urge Ecuador to put in place government level protections to this land. Please sign on to save this mesmerizing bird!

{Photo by Francisco Sornoza}

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