Of the 5 Latin American countries that participate in bullfighting, Peru is the fourth.
As of 2008, many Peruvian people are anti-bullfighting. 86% of the Peruvians over 18 years old is not interested in bullfighting, 68% is against it and 66% wants a national law to ban it. 64% of the Peruvians want their municipality to declare itself anti-bullfighting.
The main bullfighting festival in Lima, is called Señor de los Milagros (Lord of the Miracles). Peru also has cruel fiestas and other "sports" that involve bulls. Pelea de Toros where bulls are set to fight with other bulls, and Yáwar fiesta ('fiesta of the blood'), 'comic' bullfights that are known in Peru as Corrida Bufa, and encierros (bull runs) in Peru, known as jalatoros or pascuatoros. The bullfighting industry organizes about 377 bullfights a year in Peru
Stop the cruel blood sport of bullfighting in Peru and develope Animal Protection legislation.
SOURCE: http://www.cas-international.org/en/home/suffering-of-bulls-and-horses/bullfighting/peru/
Mr. Jose Antonio Gonzalez Norris
Director of the International Cooperation and Negotiations Directorate
Ministry of Environment
1440 Javier Prado A., San Isidro
Lima - 27
Tel: + 511 611-6000 ext. 1432
Fax: 011 511 2611 6000
EMail: agonzalez@minam.gob.pe, agonzaleznorris@gmail.com
Mr. Gabriel Quijandria Acosta
Vice Minister of Strategic Development of Natural Resources
Ministry of Environment
Av. Javier Prado Oeste 1440, San Isidro
Lima 27
Tel: + 511 611 6000 ext. 1633
Fax: 011 511 611 6000 ext. 1324
EMail: gquijandria@minam.gob.pe
Of the 5 Latin American countries that participate in bullfighting, Peru is the fourth.
As of 2008, many Peruvian people are anti-bullfighting. 86% of the Peruvians over 18 years old is not interested in bullfighting, 68% is against it and 66% wants a national law to ban it. 64% of the Peruvians want their municipality to declare itself anti-bullfighting.
The main bullfighting festival in Lima, is called Señor de los Milagros (Lord of the Miracles). Peru also has cruel fiestas and other "sports" that involve bulls. Pelea de Toros where bulls are set to fight with other bulls, and Yáwar fiesta ('fiesta of the blood'), 'comic' bullfights that are known in Peru as Corrida Bufa, and encierros (bull runs) in Peru, known as jalatoros or pascuatoros. The bullfighting industry organizes about 377 bullfights a year in Peru
Stop the cruel blood sport of bullfighting in Peru and develope Animal Protection legislation.