Janet Jackson: Cancel Your Fur Line!
In late November 2011, pop star Janet Jackson debuted a line of genuine mink fur coats, jackets, vests, scarves and gloves for clothing company Blackglama. In addition to helping design the collection, Jackson is modeling for Blackglama as part of their "What Becomes a Legend Most" campaign.
Many of the artist's fans are shocked by her decision to wear and promote fur, especially since she has spoken against fur in the past and appears on several celebrity vegetarian lists. In a press statement about the fur line, Jackson said, "The art of fashion is one of my great passions."
According to Blackglama's website, "... less than 2% of the world's black mink population [is] deemed worthy of the exclusive Blackglama name." Unfortunately, these minks will live their lives in cramped cages before being killed by poison, electrocution, suffocation or gas.
An average of 40 minks must be killed to make one fur coat. Please sign the petition to convince Janet Jackson to end her fur line.
We, the undersigned, are disappointed with your decision to release a genuine mink fur line in collaboration with Blackglama. This decision is especially shocking because you have spoken against fur in the past and had a reputation as an animal lover.
In nature, minks are active critters who love to swim and play. Minks used for fur spend their lives in cramped wire cages, deprived of the opportunity to exercise or engage in natural behaviors. Minks have been known to resort to cannibalism when kept in such conditions. To make a single fur coat, 40 of these animals must be killed by methods such as gassing, electrocution, poisoning or suffocation.
While we understand your desire to be a fashion leader, we believe you can achieve your goal with cruelty-free clothing made from synthetic or natural fabrics. We are saddened that many young women may follow your example and wear fur. Please choose to cancel your fur line.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.