Disinfect The Chronicle!

How could you ruin our precious Kensington?! A newspaper you grew up with? Yes, sometimes change is a good thing, but not when it's completely and utterly ridiculous! The K-Chron? Are you kidding?! It's a disease! No it's a cheesy super villain! No.....it's JH Media interfering in Neverland. It's a mere shell of what it used to be, hence the shortened name.

Give George Darling back control of the paper. It will never be the same without him. James Hook is a business man, not an editor. If he wants to handle finances, fine....but don't give him the power to have a say in what the people of Neverland read. Let someone they know and trust do that. Give John his editorials back, and his position back. He is the heart of the paper. Let him write what he will write what he will write. He's smart and always writes something worth reading. Give all the other's their columns back. Neverland loves and needs them. They and the Kensington brought us together as a community.....and so far, all the K-Chron has done is ruin lives, cost jobs, and started a rebellion.

Sign our petition! #SaveTheChronicle #DisinfectTheChronicle #DisinfectantsUnite #SayNoToDrugs #JustSayNo #DownWithTheKChron #GiveUsTheKensington


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