Stop the Noise Emanating from Argos ready Mix Concrete Plant on Roff Ave

  • par: Jeter Jon
  • destinataire: Macon-Bibb County Mayor Lester Miller, County Commissioner Seth Clark, County Code Enforcement Officer J. Ricketson, Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Board, Macon, GA

The Argos Ready Mix concrete plant on Roff Ave in Macon-Bibb County emits a tremendous amount of noise. The noise begins very early in the morning and last into the evening. The citizens of Macon-Bibb County are concerned this excessive noise because it creates an unwelcoming environment to live.  This is also known as noise pollution. As with many other types of pollution, noise pollution has the capability of making people feel awful. Notable health issues that can be caused by noise pollution include stress, weakened mental acuity, and elevated blood pressure and heart rates. I think its time we make an effort to stop the increased noise pollution that is starting to plague our community.
The people of Macon-Bibb County do not wish to live in an area where everyday they are subjected to loud noises, they would prefer to hear the birds and talk to their neighbors. The Citizens of Macon-Bibb County demand a stop to the noise. We want our community back.


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