Hello đ,
Blue whales are the largest animals ever to exist, yet these huge, magnificent, amazing and magical creatures eat tiny creatures called krill. These incredible giants can weigh up to 200 tons and stretch up to 100 feet long - almost as long as a professional basketball court. Whales communicate with sonar, very loud cries and their famous whale music. Sperm whales are the loudest animals of all. Orcas have what some may consider to be "cultures" - learned behaviours that differ from pod to pod. They even eat different animals depending on their "culture" (does this sound like anything that humans also do?) Whales also use echolocation like bats. Narwhals may look and seem almost mythical. They are believed by some to be the inspiration for unicorns. They are also very vital to the ecosystems that they call home and are far, far, far better for our planet and oceans than us humans are.
Yet, despite all this, humans, through greed, cruelty, devastation and selfishness are causing the demise and great suffering of these amazing and super intelligent animals. In history, humans hunted these poor creatures to the brink of extinction using harpoons. Still, today, countries like Japan, Norway and Iceland continue to hunt whales, legally or illegally slaughtering these wonderful creatures for their meat and other "products" out of greed, for commercial gain.
The Faroe Islands also have a barbaric hunt called the Grindadrap, in which hundreds/thousands of poor pilot whales are driven to shore using boats, where they are then hacked to death by people with knives. The islanders take some of the meat, but the rest is just left to rot.
Orcas and other whales also suffer due to being kept in captivity. These poor animals are kidnapped from the wild whilst they are still young, or bred in captivity, shipped around the world in very unnatural environments, and kept in small, barren tanks at parks, where they are hit, deprived of sufficient food and forced to perform for food. Many orcas have also died at SeaWorld, who are now infamous for their cruelty.
Whales are also at risk from human oil drilling, which can may cause them hearing loss, as well as destroying their habitats and deaths through pollution.
They are also at risk of deaths via entanglement in fishing gear and collisions with ships. Pollution and toxic contamination can also kill whales.
Climate change also kills whales. Warmer temperatures can affect the ecology of Arctic and Antarctic feeding grounds, killing not only whales, but also animals like seals.
The "Save the Whale" campaign became famous in decades past, but we still need it today!!! These magnificent, wonderful creatures are certainly not out of danger!!!
We, the Undersigned, are kindly asking for the following changes to be made in order to help save whales:
* Complete, permanent, no-nonsense bans on whaling for Japan, Denmark, Iceland and Norway, with the most severe (yet still compassionate) penalties possible for any breaches and offences.
* A ban on the Grindadrap in the Faroe Islands.
* Drastic reductions in offshore oil drilling.
* Drastic action to be taken against companies and individuals polluting the oceans and seas.
* Bans on fishing gear, nets and methods that present dangers to whales and dolphins.
* Bans on the captivity of dolphins and whales, except for sanctuaries and rescues (and these should be properly inspected and policed to make sure that they are ethical and doing their best for the whales and other animals, and that their main concerns are the wellbeing, care and conservation of whales and other animals and the health, safety, pay and education of people, not profit). Please shut down SeaWorld and all other cruel and exploitative marine parks with whales and other animals.
* Government funding for conservation and environmental groups aiming to protect, help, rescue and save whales and other animals and save the seas, oceans and the planet.
* Stricter and more detailed and properly enforced laws requiring companies and individuals to be as eco-friendly as possible, limiting the amounts of gas, petrol and diesel they use, promoting electric cars, requiring people to only use their cars when they absolutely have to, requiring ship and boat companies to be as eco-friendly and wildlife-friendly as possible, banning single-use plastic and kindly encouraging veganism (in particular, abstinence from fish and seafood).
Together, we CAN save whales, dolphins and other wildlife, other animals, the oceans, the seas and the planet!!!!!!!!
Thank you đ.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!
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