The Minnesota Vikings' glass-plated stadium is killing birds at an alarming rate. Birds cannot distinguish between clear glass and the reflected sky - and fly directly into the stadium. The Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis reported that collisions resulted in 60 dead and 14 injured birds during the 2016 Fall migratory season. This number underestimates the true number of birds killed, given that many were removed by stadium staff, consumed by scavengers, or injured and flew away but later died.
The U.S. Bank Stadium is located in the Mississippi Flyway - a major migratory route used by 325 bird species every year. Five of the species killed at the stadium - the Common Yellowthroat, Least Flycatcher, Marsh Wren, Ovenbird, and Vesper Sparrow - are already declining in Minnesota or are vulnerable because of habitat loss. If the glass-plated stadium remains unchanged, the Audubon Society estimates that 500 birds will be killed over the next three years.
During planning stages for the stadium, the Audubon Society warned the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority (MSFA) that the highly reflective glass presented a danger to birds and urged them to take preventive measures. Sadly and irresponsibly, authorities chose to take no action to protect wildlife.
Fortunately, it is not too late to make changes to the stadium to prevent future bird deaths. In Manhattan, the Javits Center decreased bird casualties by 90% by installing glass panels with imprinted patterns. The American Bird Conservancy has recommended options such as window films, decals, and netting to save birds.
Please sign this petition demanding that the Minnesota Vikings and the MSFA make changes to the U.S. Bank Stadium glass immediately to prevent the unnecessary, painful deaths of hundreds of birds.
Dear Mr. Wilf and Mr. Vekich,
We are deeply concerned and outraged that the highly reflective glass used at the U.S. Bank Stadium is killing birds at an alarming rate.
Birds cannot distinguish between clear glass and the reflected sky, clouds, and vegetation - and fly directly into the stadium wall. The Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis reported that collisions resulted in 60 dead and 14 injured birds during the 2016 Fall migratory season. This number underestimates the true number of birds killed, given that many were removed by stadium staff and consumed by scavengers. Also, research suggests there is a strong probability that many injured birds initially flew away and later died.
The U.S. Bank Stadium is located in the Mississippi Flyway – a major migratory route used by 325 bird species every year. Five of the species killed at the stadium – the Common Yellowthroat, Least Flycatcher, Marsh Wren, Ovenbird, and Vesper Sparrow – are already declining in Minnesota or are vulnerable because of habitat loss. If the glass-plated stadium remains unchanged, the Audubon Society estimates that the stadium glass will kill 500 birds over the next three years.
During planning stages for the stadium, the Audubon Society warned that the highly reflective glass presented grave danger to birds and urged you to take preventive measures. It is irresponsible and extremely sad that you chose to take no action at that time.
Fortunately, it is not too late to make changes to the U.S. Bank Stadium to prevent future bird deaths. In Manhattan, the Javits Center decreased bird casualties by 90% by installing glass panels with imprinted patterns. The American Bird Conservancy has recommended options such as window films, decals, and netting to save birds.
We strongly urge you to install changes to the stadium glass immediately to prevent the unnecessary, painful deaths of hundreds of birds.
Thank you for your consideration.
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