A man, Nicholas Garcia, 24, thought it would be amusing to light fireworks, toss them lit and have a dog purposely fetch it. The poor animal did fetch the explosive which detonated in its mouth while its owner stood nearby and witnessed the horrifying event. His dog, young pitbull, died from its injuries as the fireworks blew off its face.
Garcia thought it was amusing when the dog picked up the fireworks, exploding momentarily after that. Police currently are charging the man with criminal damage to property! We are urging the authorities to implement much stiffer charges that includes fines and severe jail time. Police state that Garcia intentionally tossed the fireworks so the dog would chase them and pick them up. This guy is not currently in jail and charges of damage to property certainly does not fit this crime!!
You can help us to speak out to the DA and ask that the charges be much harsher. He took an animals’ life for the mere fun of it and then chuckled at the result. You can help us to get this guy more severely punished by signing and sharing this petition. We also want to ensure this guy is banned from any ownership, care or any other encounters with animals for the rest of his life.
District Attorney Anita Alvarez – You must seek a much harsher sentence for Mr. Nicholas Garcia who thought it was amusing to intentionally toss fireworks so that this dog would chase them and pick them up, and blow up in its mouth! The poor animal died from its injuries while the owner witnessed the whole event in horror. Garcia needs to serve some serious jail time with harsh felony animal cruelty charges in addition to being banned from coming anywhere near another animal for the rest of his life. Be a voice for that poor dog and ensure his punishment fit this horrible crime!!!