Save the UMD Golf Course

To: Dr. Wallace Loh, President, UMD
Dr. Mary Ann Rankin, Senior VP & Provost
Mr. Carlo Colella, VP for Admin & Finance
Dr. Linda Clement, VP for Student Affairs
Ms. Amy Eichhorst, Executive Director, University Alumni Association
Dr. Robert Caret, Chancellor, UMD
Ms. Linda R. Gooden, Chair, Board of Regents
Ms. Wilma Ogburn, Executive Assistant to the Board of Regents

I submit this petition to express my strong opposition to the current University of Maryland (College Park) Administration's repurposing plan that would build a track and field stadium, 5 recreational fields and 600 surface parking spaces on what are now holes 1, 9, 10, and 18 of the UMD Golf Course. I not only oppose this repurposing plan but also greatly oppose any other plans now or in the future that eliminate existing golf holes or destroy any natural areas integral to the golf course. The stated repurposing plan, if enacted, would eliminate competitive, championship golf at the university and do harm to the natural areas. 

However, I fervently support any and all efforts to maintain and enhance the existing 18-hole UMD golf course and maintain its Audubon International designation as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary-Golf Course and designations as a certified Monarch Waystation and a certified Butterfly Habitat.

Finally, I also support a UMD 18 hole golf course that annually hosts over 35,000 rounds of golf by the public and students, and serves as a major fund-raising entity for about 70 student and institutionally- based organizations, and additional community-focused causes, thus greatly exemplifying the University's "Do Good" initiative, "inspiring a culture of philanthropy and social innovation."


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