FIRE Michael S. Regan Head Of EPA

Petition to Remove Michael S. Regan as EPA Administrator

To: The President of the United States, Members of Congress, and EPA Officials

Subject: Demand for the Dismissal of Michael S. Regan as EPA Administrator

Description of the Issue:
We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the current state of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the leadership of Michael S. Regan. Recent reports from the EWG Tap Water Database have revealed that numerous communities across the United States, including ours, are being exposed to harmful contaminants in their drinking water. These include arsenic, chromium (hexavalent), and other dangerous substances that exceed the EWG health guidelines. Despite these alarming findings, there has been insufficient action from the EPA to address these critical public health threats.

Reasons for Concern:

Inadequate Action on Water Contamination: The EPA has not updated or enforced stringent regulations to address the presence of harmful contaminants in drinking water, leaving many communities at risk.
Lack of Transparency and Public Engagement: There has been a lack of clear communication from the EPA regarding the potential risks associated with these contaminants and the steps being taken to mitigate them.
Failure to Prioritize Environmental Justice: Communities of color and low-income areas continue to suffer disproportionately from environmental hazards, including contaminated drinking water. The EPA has not demonstrated a strong commitment to addressing these inequities.
Our Demands:

Immediate Dismissal of Michael S. Regan: We demand the removal of Michael S. Regan as the EPA Administrator. We believe that new leadership is needed to prioritize public health and environmental justice.
Implementation of Stricter Water Quality Standards: We call for the EPA to adopt more stringent water quality standards based on the latest scientific research, ensuring that all communities have access to safe drinking water.
Increased Funding for Water Infrastructure: The federal government must allocate more resources to upgrade outdated water infrastructure, particularly in underserved communities.
Enhanced Transparency and Public Involvement: The EPA must improve its communication with the public, ensuring that communities are fully informed about water quality issues and the steps being taken to address them.
We urge all concerned citizens to join us in demanding better leadership at the EPA. Our health and the health of future generations depend on immediate and decisive action.

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