Save the Sharks

11,000 sharks are killed every hour. 264,000 sharks are killed everyday. 100 million sharks are killed annually. All for the purpose of "Shark fin soup." This is such an inhumane act of animal cruelty. They haul the shark on board, cut off it's fins, and then literally toss them off the boat where they sink to the bottom and await a long and agonizing death. This is absolutely shameful. 

Sign this petition to show Premier Alison Redford that we need to set an example here in Alberta. That even though we don't live near an ocean, we can still do something about it.

The goal is to get a bill passed in legislation to prohibit the sale, trade, possession and distribution of shark fins in the province of Alberta.  

Sharks are the apex predator of the ocean. When an apex predator is removed  from the ocean, a cataclysmic domino effect takes place, and the eco system begins to slowly unravel. 50% of the air we breathe is produced by the ocean converting our atmospheric carbon dioxide. Our existence on this planet is dependent on the sharks. 

Please sign this petition and STOP these atrocities against the ever depleting shark population!!!


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