Seeking A Pardon For Julian Assange For Forced Plea Deal & False Charges

USA must pardon Julian Assange, an award winning publisher. The USA falsely charged him and lied to the world. They revoked his asylum, and kept him in horrific cruel prison for lawful conduct that embarrassed the USA government. He needs a full pardon, with 0 strings attached as laws were manipulated in order to invent these fake charges and combine with other governments to hold him hostage. Public outcry is what finally got him released and a fake order for extradition to be carried out. His conditions for his plea were also not lawful, but it was his only way to get himself out of this illegal extradition. Please sign this and share it, and seek a full pardon for him.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 5 mois
October 1, Julian gave a speech. He stated that Mike Pompeo and William Barr tried to set him up to take him out. This had already happened, and Hillary put out an email to "drone him" .
We have to get him pardoned and allowed to publish, and speak, and get off the deep state radar.
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