Tell Jeff Bezos to stop destroying the Washington Post just to appease Trump

Amazon head Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post a few years ago, and he is now apparently trying to destroy it to appease Trump, his new BFF since the election.

"Current and former Washington Post staffers are rebelling against Jeff Bezos after he announced a "significant" editorial shift that will see the paper's Opinion section focus almost exclusively on personal liberties and free markets." (CNN)

So the Post Opinion section is now ordered to ignore the 99.9% of issues that do not fall into that category? Oh, and apparently opposing viewpoints are now considered Doubleplusungood, and will not be published.

"viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others."

That's right -- the Opinion section will not iclude opinions.

This is how democracy dies. A punch in the gut to media freedom, and a helping hand to the guy trying to take us into fascism.

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