Do You LOVE ZOO'S?But hate the animals treatment? You can help without money. Urge congress to stand

  • par: Donna Croley
  • destinataire: Head of the fish & wildlife services,, U.S. President, Zoo's, Animal Mills, Ellen DeGeneres, Beth Ostrosky Stern, Rhett Butler
Fake Zoos that take your money and give NOTHING back to the animals who bring the Zoo to you & So kindly served you with their presence   .These include, your well know local city zoo's...they are usully the worst & For the most, they are all too small.
That money needs to and is suppose to, go BACK towards the animals for their health care, rehabilitation and the 
re-population of that species. I have been to 4 zoo's and left crying.. First one,  a giraffe died two weeks after arriving. 
Second Zoo, another giraffe was laying in a baby swimming pool with filth in it. 
Third Zoo, A elephant was in A water pond that was just big enough for him to stand in......

ALL of these beautiful animals deserve the same treatment THAT YOU WOULD GIVE YOUR CHILD.

And to think we are going to these places & paying for their abuse basically.

PETA cannot do it all! lets all be a part of the solution  

UPDATE: 02/11/2014 

STOP the unethical treamtment of any animal

 Please help If You are That Person!!!!!!!..Who cares so much & does not just stand by and watch. I'm not just talking about it, I'm doing something about it.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 11 ans
We are getting this out there So please share and sign
Another death. Denmark is under fire after killing a healthy baby giraffe. this is after two died in Panama City Fl
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