Tell the FDA to require labeling of animal products in drugs

  • par: SUE LEE
  • destinataire: Food and Drug Administration

Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get the FDA to label all of their drugs that may have any animal products in them.

You may not be aware that you have animal products hanging around in your medicine cabinet. After all, does anyone of us really know where the ingredients from medications really derive from? For instance, lactose, commonly used as a carrier, stabilizer or a bulk-adding agent in medicines, comes from animal. Gelatin used in capsules, tablets and pills comes from the skin and bones of pigs and cows. Shellacs from insects and magnesium stearate derive from animal fatty acids and is used often in the manufacture of capsules, tablets and powered medications. These are just a few examples of animal-based ingredients found in any of the drugs you commonly use.

The FDA should be legally bound to include all of these ingredients on a medication label. Vegans, for one, need to be aware that some drugs contain active ingredients derived from animal sources. Even if there are no animal-based ingredients in a product, medicines must be tested by law on non-human animals before being approved for use for us. They are also used in the manufacturing of the medications. We are unbelievably dependent on animals for many products that we rely on for our health.

The use of animals in manufacturing medicine poses an ethical quandary for anyone who chooses not to eat meat and prefers to avoid using animal products. Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get the FDA to label all of their drugs that may have any animal products in them.

Food and Drug Administration – Please ensure that you label all medications with any animal products and derivatives in them if consumed by humans. It is everyone’s right to know what they put in their bodies, especially vegans who do not eat any meat products. Pass regulations that require a full list of ingredients on packaging of medications and drugs for human use.

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