Help Stop The Abuse. . . EVERYWHERE!

'To Stop Animal Abuse in Canada, we need to get

BILL C-373 passed.

Canada NEEDS Bill C-373

In my background, I've compiled pictures of puppy mills, horrendous conditions at some road side zoo's with wild animals, sickening farm animal conditions and treatments, pets and illegal fighting of dogs.. All fall victim here in Canada of faulty laws that doesn't protect these animals of this cruel torchure. 

I hope you can look closely at these pictures and see a peacock that has a cage too small to spread it's wings fully. A hawk in total isolation. Other animals live without shade or climbing animals living on cement floors with nothing to climb on and others without food or water.

Some of the farm animals can no longer stand or die amongst their already starving herd. Cages of dogs kept in dirty conditions with no proper nutrition or medical treatment. The problem is creating this problem and the animals fall victim.

We, in Canada can help do something about it, but we must work quickly as the government is trying to implement a Bill that is as useless as all the others that has been around for 115 years. We can't let history repeat itself and there are things we can do to get results.

Tell the government we no longer want their faulty bills and laws and when one comes along that can work, we want that one to save our animals. I didn't want to put up any pictures that could be so disturbing to children, that they wouldn't be allowed on his page without a warning. There are far worse, believe me!

Please read this page to find out more about Bill C-373, then PLEASE, write and have others write and tell our government how strongly you feel it and what it means in saving animals from all this cruelty.

In the CBC News I've decided to show the full horrendous story thus far of an innocent, victim named Daisy Duke and how animal abuse cases are basically a slap on the hand as per our Canadian law.

To see statements that put empathy on the boys for trying to put his dog out of misery doesn't work for me. This was suppose to be his beloved pet. Would he have done the same if it were a sibling?

Shouldn't abusers of all animals pay for their evil deeds or is our government just too slack to use anything that works?

This won't change a thing if Bill S-213 is passed as the government wants it. It's only a new name for an old bill. To make drastic changes it is imperative to get Bill C-373 passed.

Let not the look of an innocent looking face or the status of a person fool you what abusers look like just as you can't judge those of child molesters or murders. Abusers come in all forms.'

Read more on this at:

lf you live in Canada, and see abuse :

11 Facts About Animal Cruelty

  1. In many circuses, wild and exotic animals are trained through the use of intimidation and physical abuse. Former circus employees have reported seeing animals beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines!
  2. Elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies.
  3. More than 15 million warm-blooded animals are used in research every year.
  4. Scientists estimate that 100 species go extinct every day! That's about one species every 15 minutes.
  5. If you live in Pennsylvania, California, Florida, Rhode Island, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, New York, New Jersey and Vermont you have the legal right to refuse to participate in dissection in class! In Louisiana, there is a State resolution and in Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland and New Mexico, there are Departments of Education resolutions in place that allow you to refuse to dissect, although it hasn%u2019t yet become a law.
  6. Dog fighting and cock-fighting are illegal in all 50 states.
  7. It is estimated that on average it takes 1,000 dogs to maintain a mid-sized racetrack operation. New greyhounds are continually entering the system to replace greyhounds that grade-off due to injury, age or poor performance. There are currently over 30 tracks operating in the United States.
  8. Tens of thousands of wild and domesticated horses from the United States are cruelly slaughtered every year to be used for horsemeat in Europe and Asia. Since the last horse slaughter plants in the U.S. were closed in 2007, thousands of horses have been shipped to Canada and Mexico for slaughter.
  9. Many studies have found a link between cruelty to animals and other forms of interpersonal violence.
  10. Neglect and abandonment are the most common forms of companion animal abuse in the United States.
  11. A fur coat is pretty cool%u2014for an animal to wear. Eighteen red foxes are killed to make one fox-fur coat, 55 minks to make a mink coat.

The section below might not be suitable  for minors, the weak hearted, the videos and pictures featured below are from, and they all contain very graphic information.





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l have been looking into Canada's state of animal abuse. And l recently had a conversation with my friend, Jazz, (see below for the convo) and it has come to my notice that it is HORRIBLE there.
Animal cruelty is pretty much IGNORED there, and that REALLY pisses me off.
l hate to think about animals living in small cages, to the point where they can't stand. Being emaciated, beaten, killed, and just plain ABUSED.
lt's time for US to act. Yes, US, we need to stop this once and for all. Animals have done nothing to deserve this, and they should not have to deal with it.

But we are not just talking abou8t Canada, we are talking about EVERYWHERE.

The Convo:
Jazzamatazzy (5:10:48 PM): I got the bunnies!!!
 (5:10:54 PM): They're only two weeks old
 (5:10:57 PM): AWWWWWWWW
 (5:11:01 PM): Pudgy is better
 (5:11:07 PM): Haha, huh?
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:11:11 PM): My bunny
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:11:13 PM): The WILD ones
 (5:11:27 PM): These guys haven't been handled before
Jazzamatazzy (5:11:37 PM): It was like a rabbit factory
Jazzamatazzy (5:11:45 PM): Little tiny chicken wire cages
Jazzamatazzy (5:12:05 PM): And the bigger rabbits couldn't even stand up
 (5:12:11 PM): ....
Jazzamatazzy (5:12:15 PM): And the get BIG
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:12:17 PM): Where did you get them?
 (5:12:40 PM): AND the cages are outside, with almost no protection
Jazzamatazzy (5:12:46 PM): Most of them didn't have water
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:12:56 PM): Then why the fuck did you buy them,
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:13:00 PM): Call the police
 (5:13:21 PM): Would you have rather we left them....?
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:13:28 PM): Wait
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:13:32 PM): You took them all?
 (5:13:35 PM): Now they have a nice big, clean cage with lots of water
Jazzamatazzy (5:13:38 PM): No
Jazzamatazzy (5:13:40 PM): Just two
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:13:50 PM): Then call the police on the rest of them
 (5:13:57 PM): It's tempting
Jazzamatazzy (5:14:00 PM): It really is
Jazzamatazzy (5:14:09 PM): But they don't do anything
Jazzamatazzy (5:14:31 PM): We've called on worse, and they say they don't investigate those things anymore
Jazzamatazzy (5:14:33 PM): Brb
Jazzamatazzy (5:19:25 PM): Back
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:19:35 PM): . . .
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:20:01 PM): I shalt find a contact info
 (5:20:57 PM): We've tried all of the humane societies and animal control, and if they won't respond to what we saw at Death Valley dow there, the rabbits won't be looked at
Jazzamatazzy (5:21:05 PM): They're selling fast
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:21:25 PM): Death Valley?
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:21:27 PM): What happened there?
Jazzamatazzy (5:21:42 PM): Where we had Gen for a few months
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:21:51 PM): >_<
Jazzamatazzy (5:22:51 PM): It was bad
 (5:23:16 PM): What happened?
Jazzamatazzy (5:24:33 PM): Every day we expected to/did find another dead animal
Jazzamatazzy (5:24:48 PM): They didn't feed, water, or clean stalls
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:24:55 PM): . . . .
Jazzamatazzy (5:25:57 PM): The horse was always full of burrs
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:26:42 PM): Grrr
Jazzamatazzy (5:26:57 PM): It was bad
 (5:27:02 PM): It stunk of death
Jazzamatazzy (5:27:06 PM): And
Jazzamatazzy (5:27:16 PM): I'm sure that someone was hitting my horse
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:27:19 PM): . . .
wolfamorphbenjaz (5:27:25 PM): This makes me mad...
Jazzamatazzy (5:27:44 PM): And you didn't have to witness it twice a day

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