New Mexico: Ban Leghold Traps Endangering Animals

  • par: Sue Lee
  • destinataire: New Mexico Government Officials & Lawmakers

Please sign and share this petition to urge the New Mexico government to ban leghold traps that are harming animals like the poor dog in this photo who lost both legs!

There is no reason to have traps that cause undue, severe pain and suffering to the animals that get caught in them.

Leghold animal traps are one of the cruelest of devices created by humans to trap an animal, often times leading to severe suffering, discomfort and a slow death. Frequently, it is only the person setting up these traps that witnesses the cruel results but this story from Cub the dog shows exactly what happens most times that we do not hear about.

Cub the dog was just going on an adventure along a country road in New Mexico when he hobbled back home with shot gun pellets to his body and just bones where his back legs used to be; injuries consistent with a leghold trap.

It is unbelievable that Cub did not bleed to death. It is believed that the trapper who set this device found Cubin the trap, then shot him to put him out of his misery, only to find the dog was still alive.

Cub came close to euthanasia but because of his strong will to live, the vet chose to provide the best life possible.

A spokesperson, Judy Paulsen with Project Coyote told reporters that "This dog had been holding his head up and doing everything he could to say 'please don't let me go, I have a purpose'. We think his purpose is to spread the word about trapping and how inhumane it is, and how indiscriminate it is."

As Ms. Paulsen describes the grisly traps: "Trappers set these traps saying that they're going for fur or pelts, then they don't check them for days, not knowing what's going to be in there. We've had endangered species trapped, and plenty of domestic animals."

These traps are outlawed in more than 80 countries worldwide. Please sign this petition to help get leghold traps banned in New Mexico so that no other animals are ever affected by these cruel traps!

New Mexico Government Officials & Lawmakers - You need to pass laws to ban indiscriminate traps that are simply ecologically and ethically unjustifiable like the legtraps that is torturing and leading animals to a slow death. They have no place in modern wildlife management and conservation. Please ban these legtraps immediately and enforce this ban with severe punishment and accountability!!


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