Improve drainage make our dog park dry
For countless dog owners in our community, the local dog park is more than just a place - it's a cherished haven. We have met and made numerous friends here, but unfortunately, the current park condition threatens this invaluable resource. Spring's mud and water pose a significant deterrent, discouraging many from maintaining their regular visits. We propose an urgent upgrade - a shift from the troublesome mud and water to fill and sod, or a simple adjustment of the fencing over to the dry area of the field, toward the water, which is more cost effective. While gravel and sand seem a quick fix, in the long run especially in colder weather and when it freezes it damages dogs paw pads and nails to the point of bleeding. A small area of sand for play and digging sounds great but the grass is best and cleaner. Grass is a natural option and the most affordable. Grass is soft underfoot and naturally provides good drainage, constantly cleans itself with new growth, and provides a plethora of sniffing enjoyment and cool softness for warm scratchy bellies.
Such an upgrade is more than worth the investment. A study by the Canadian Kennel Club shows that regular visits to dog parks not only enhance dogs' wellbeing but also promote socialization among their owners. A well-maintained dog park acts as an attractive feature that adds value to our community, while fostering engagement among residents. It becomes a hub where people come together through their shared love for their pets.
Our dog park gets used 365 days a year. That's countless opportunities for dogs and their parents to experience these benefits. Yet, these opportunities diminish with each day we don't address the mud and water problem. The state of our dog park to date demonstrates just how insignificant this important space in our community is to our council. They forget that we are taxpayers too. It's about time and only fair that our dog park gets some attention. The dog park is a recreational and social space in our community.
Improve our dog park - because our dogs and our community rely on and deserve better conditions.
Please sign this petition and lend your voice to this cause. Thank You.