Care2, please create Free Click-to-Donate SAVE A TREE

  • par: Sabine A
  • destinataire: Randy Paynter, Care2 CEO

Help us Breathe, Save a Tree.

Statistic has shown that rapid deforestation worldwide is not slowing down. It is predicted that by 2030. Biodiversity in Amazon would only 10% left compare to what we could find today. UNFAO has also stated that by 2050, total deforestation area worldwide would covers area as large as Asia sub continental.

Thanks to corruptions and industrial exploitations, Nigeria has lost 81 percent of its Greenland follows by Brazil 90-95 percent; continue by India, Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Congo and Ghana, which already lost more than 50% of its rainforest land.

Deforestation has messed up rich biodiversity on the forestland. Countless unclassified medicinal ingredients have permanently lost before we know what the benefit of it. Thousand herbs, rare animal and insect have lost because deforestation.

Care2, help your loyal members make a difference and save the world we live in for generations to come !


Mettre À Jour #1il y a 11 ans
DID YOU KNOW OVER 1,100 trees are listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List !
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