Tell Congress to Stop Doing Monsanto's Dirtywork: Americans Need to Know if It's GMO

Rep. Mike Pompeo's (R-Kansas) sponsored bill (HR1599) to prohibit mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods (GMOs) at both the state and federal levels was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on July 23rd. He calls this bill the "Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act", when in fact, the bill would keep Americans in the DARK by mandating voluntary labeling of potentially unsafe GMOs. If passed by the Senate, this bill would also overturn GMO crop bans that have been passed at the county level to protect organic farmers from GMO contamination, would allow certain ingredients such as refined sugar, oils and starchs derived from GMO crops to be labeled non-GMO, would allow GMOs to be labeled "natural" and would likely eliminate the Non-GMO Project. This bill puts the profits of chemical companies over human and environmental health and is an insult to our freedom and to our intelligence.

Roundup herbicide is sprayed on nearly all GM crops and was recently declared a "probable human carcinogen" by the World Health Organization. There is no scientific consensus on the safety of genetically engineered foods and mounting evidence from peer reviewed studies has linked GMOs to health and environmental harm.

Americans NEED TO KNOW if it's GMO. TELL THE U.S. SENATE to vote against any bill that would outlaw mandatory GMO labeling and instead, to support mandatory GMO labeling at the same standard passed by Vermont, Connecticut and Maine. Anything less is unacceptable.

Please contact your U.S. Senators directly as well. Find your Elected Officials and their contact information here:

Members of the U.S. Senate:

Please DO NOT SUPPORT any version of the mislabeled "Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015" introduced by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kansas) and passed by the U.S House of Representatives on July 23, 2015. This bill would deprive Americans of much needed information about whether the foods we eat were created with genetic engineering (GMOs) and puts the profits of chemical companies over human and environmental health. It is an insult to our freedom and to our intelligence. Instead, we implore you to support mandatory GMO labeling at the same standard passed by Vermont, Connecticut and Maine. 

Roundup was recently declared a "probable human carcinogen" by the World Health Organization and is sprayed on almost all genetically engineered crops. There is no consensus on the safety of GMOs and industry-independent studies show there is growing cause for concern.

64 countries around the world have laws that mandate the labeling of GMOs. Do the right thing for the American people. Support mandatory labeling at the same standard as the GMO labeling bills passed by Vermont, Connecticut and Maine. Anything less is unacceptable.


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