New Caledonia is a French island in South Pacific; only 260.000 inhabitants but an overcrowded situation for pets (dogs and cats). There is a single pound in the main town of Noumea, where pets are killed by hundred each month.
The law changed in 2008 and prohibits euthanizing pets unless a vet request justifies it. Since 2008, thousands of pets have been killed against the law!
We started accusing this misdemeanor in April last year; our legal action is slowed down by any means they found, delaying any judgment, while they continue killing tenth of pets each week.
• Only a mass pets spay and neuter campaign allows lasting control of these populations
• In New Caledonia, since June 2008, the law prohibits pounds to kill pets unless a vet necessity is stated [CPMR (rural and maritime fishing code) L211-25 article].
• A pet, whose only law violation is to stray away from his master for a while, has the right to live (95% of today pound pet kills).
• Pets spay and neuter costs less to the community (125 € - Government or Association cost) than pound pet put down (from 290 € to 375 €)
AaaC NP Association
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
After 3 months, very few signees. We then adjust our petition to make it much more concrete: here it is! The few pets we now present are illustrating the numerous ones put down each year here by the pound, despite the law, despite their lack of danger.
Please boost it through your network !
The AaaC Team
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Please forward it to you relatives, friends and whoever you think to! The petition is currently progressing slowly and we would like to get more support from everyone.
We target thousands of additional signatures, let’s reach such a goal together !!
Thanks a lot
The AaaC team