These Two Jerks Beat a Helpless Duck with a Baseball Bat

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Tallapoosa County Sheriff's Department and the Tallapoosa County District Attorney

On a daily basis, we hear of some of the worst atrocities to happen to innocent animals. Be they pets or wild, our finned, feathered and footed friends often encounter people with the worst intentions in mind. People who don't believe animals deserve our kindness and who treat them as if their lives were disposable.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened to an unsuspecting duck in Alexander City, Alabama.

19-year-olds Jacob Thomas Frye and Thomas "Landon" Grant, two college meatheads from Central Alabama Community College, were partying with their teammates on the baseball team when one of them had the brilliant idea to go to the lake and abuse an animal.

The two grabbed a white duck and beat it with a baseball bat. Then, perhaps realizing what they did, and wanting to destroy the evidence, they took the poor duck to another location, stuffed it in a bag and then beat it some more to "put it out of its misery." Afterward, assuming it was dead, the two dumped it like a piece of trash in nearby woods.

But it wasn't dead, it wasn't put out of its misery and so when their baseball coach found it later that evening, he had to take it to the vet to end it's suffering.

The "good" news is that both Frye and Grant have been charged with animal cruelty. But as we have seen so many times before, crimes against animals are often given leniency and when the perpetrators of from a privileged group, it isn't uncommon that they get off with a meer slap on the wrist.

Let's make sure that doesn't happen here. These two did something that is so digusting it is hard to comprehend for the everyday person. They weren't "just kids having fun" they aren't "boys who have a bright future ahead of them" they are adult, animal abusers and they should be treated as such.

Please sign the petition and demand that Tallapoosa County Sheriff's Department and the Tallapoosa County District Attorney ensure these two face real punishment for their crimes.


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