OPTIMUM has read all of your pleas and has finally answered!!!! We are now able to watch LMN on OPTIMUM. It's airing on channel 174. Unfortunately, there will be a $1.95 per month fee if you decide to order LMN, but in my opinion it is well worth it. I know peeps, they get enough out of us as it is, but that's another fight. So get on it and order LMN so you can watch all of their fantastic shows and I thank each and every one of you for supporting this petition!!!! 😃

I started this petition because many of the shows that I enjoyed watching moved from Lifetime to Lifetime Movie Network. As you are well aware LMN is a channel not currently offered by OPTIMUM/CABLEVISION. I, like everyone else who has signed this petition cannot understand why this channel isnt offered to us. Every other cable provider offers the LMN channel. I have a second home in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, and even my cable provider up there, which has a handful of employees, and is definitely behind the times, offers the LMN channel. If you read the comments made by many on this pettion, most of them are very upset and some if not most are willing to switch providers. And I like most people these days, have a very hectic schedule and have little time for television. So when I am able to sit down and watch TV, I'd like to be able to watch shows that I enjoy watching. We spend a good amount of money each month for cable service and I personally love and appreciate the service that I receive any time I have a need to contact OPTIMUM, but I too am considering making the switch. So please, take the time to read the attached petition. I'm sure that once you've read it and realize how much your customers want this channel, you'll add LMN to your channel line up.


Debra Stoeckert Rapisardi

Petition Creator


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