Stop Animal Testing at NIH

Many animals are tortured and killed during animal testing. Animals are put in machines, cages, and are tested on. The animal first has the disease planted inside of them and then is given the medication. To see the medications effects on the body, the animals are cut open and their organs, hearts, and brains are examined. However scientists have had trouble recreating the diseases, causing these tests to be ineffective.
This is all a nessecary part of the testing, and this is the way a few cures for diseases have been found. Although this may be true, scientists have started to find ways to build parts of humans bodies, embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are the cells in your body that turn into other cells in later stages of their lifespans. Scientists have found ways to trigger these stem cells to become certain cells, and using this, scientists at the university of California have built a heart from scratch using embryonic stem cells. The heart beats, and more of the sort may later be used in heart transplants.
Using these stem cells, we could build parts of the human body such as this heart and test the effects of the medications with this. In fact the cures to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's have been found using stem cells. Over 90% of medications that have worked in animals are later clinically proven dangerous!
If you think we should let both animals and humans suffer, than okay, but please show your support, and leave these animals be!


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