Demand an End to F45 Gym Activities on 289 Grand Street, Now!
I am petitioning for an end to F45 Gym Activities on 289 Grand Street Brooklyn 11211.
In Unit 2A we continue to suffer from the same violation of the peace we have had almost every day since start of gym operations a little over 2 months back (longer if you include the pre-opening construction work that first caused us to reach out to you Nelson, via Bedford).
The noise has now become completely intolerable in our daily and nightly life, and our attempts to resolve this by walking down to F45’s space repeatedly and real-time during the disturbances - to register our complaint / explain what we’re experiencing / explore ways to mitigate the noise - have had no effect.
Our frustration at the noise, our attempts to fix it, the lack of sleep, and disruption to our life inside and outside our home had become so great by early July that we engaged an acoustic expert to take measurements inside our Unit and provide us with a technical assessment of what we’re experiencing at home. We wanted to establish clearly and as objectively as possible what are the noise levels and by how much they violate city noise codes.
Attached is the report we received on August 2nd - we’d encourage you to read this in full.
The report concludes that the noises generated by the 1st floor gym are not just a borderline violation, but what was explained to me as a ‘terrible violation’, of multiple sections of the NYC noise code.
This report only addresses certain aspects of the noise we’re experiencing inside our Unit - music, beeping, impact reverberations, shouting and other sounds - on a daily basis, in the mornings starting 6:20am and evenings up to 8pm. It doesn’t (nor was it intended to) assess the noise in common spaces like the hallway and stairways, the gym’s visual pollution that impacts our building and its immediate surroundings, the fact our family includes a small infant and a pregnant mother for whom the loss of sleep is a very acute problem, or other effects like hearing ‘ghost beeps’ even when we’re in other locations because we’re so used to hearing them at home.
We believe this report establishes that the current gym activities on the ground floor constitute a clear and very significant ongoing violation of both NYC regulations and our Condo articles.