stop bullfighting

For the third consecutive year , we recreate this movement , having been ignored by the previous presidency of our institute as well as the academic association . As students and human beings continue to take the fight to end these acts of cowardice for good. Academic garraiada is presented as a bullfighting event conviviality , laughter and representation of courage . Bringing together students of the Portuguese Republic , now in the square , sometimes in makeshift arena where persecute , torment and grab one Garraio (small young bull ) defenseless , with the horns sawed , fun for those who attend . Violence inherent garraiada often result injuries, fractures and / or anxiety attacks that can take Garraio death. Hides behind the fun and fresh beers , abuse , and forget the ethical foundations on which the Office is based , which ironically has courses that deal with animals for the purpose of doing them good . This movement claims an academic environment anti violence against all living beings . Seeking to promote both the academic environment of real knowledge, learning , progress, culture and, above all, of civility . It is hoping to find an alternative that meets the moral and ethical values ​​taught at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança that / the subscribers / the this petition calling for the President of IPB and Ex.mos members of the Academic Association of IPB for an end to the cruel practice of garraiada and that they incite critical thinking and respect for animals . Also proposing to students and other people not to cooperate with maintaining such a shame "fun " and medieval spectacle of violence


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