Support Lauren Wasson and Fight Police Brutality

Lauren Wasson, 23, of Garfield, was charged with obstruction of highways and aggravated assault after she allegedly threw her bicycle at Officer Shawn Dady, striking Officer Dady with it."  Lauren was simply trying to slow down a moment so that another pedestrian could move out of her path.  A slideshow is available that clearly shows the women falling into Lauren's path and the officers continuing to shove her despite the fact she was simply waiting for the women to move aside.  Let's get as many signatures as we can and send them to Governor Edward Rendell demanding Lauren's clemency!

Keywords: G20, Pittsburgh, Bike girl, Lauren Wasson, Police brutality, Protests
Governor Rendell,

We the undersigned respectfully ask for a pardon to be granted for Lauren Wasson for the charge of aggravated assault against a police officer as a result of what we feel was an example of police brutality against the suspect.  The only individual injured as a result of this incident was the suspect herself.  Had Ms. Wasson not have been shoved by officers into another citizen who had fallen down in front of her, then clearly her action of defense would not have been necessary.  Ms. Wasson has no prior criminal record, and we the undersigned feel the charges against her are too harsh considering the circumstances.  We thank you for your righteousness with the enacting of Act 134, which you signed under House Bill 1543 on November 26, 2008 helping convicted persons clear their name and having their records expunged.  We plead that you agree the charges being held against Lauren are too harsh and beg for your clemency governor.  We thank you for your consideration sir.

The Petition Signers    
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