Save the Lemur

  • par:
  • destinataire:   President Andry RAJOELINA & Prime Minister Roindefo ZAFITSIMIVALO
Since the mid 1980's, mining, logging, and deforestation toward economic development has devastated the habitat of Lemur, and other large and small endangered species of mammal indigenous and unique to Madagascar.
This petition is to plead with the Malagasy government to create or assign a committee for responsible growth and development before these endangered animals become extinct.

Status:Out of the fifty different kinds of lemurs, ten of those types are critically endangered, seven are endangered, and nineteen are considered vulnerable.

Conservation & Ecology: Lemurs play an important role in the ecology of Madagascar and the Comores Islands, because they disperse seeds from the fruit they eat. These seeds can then grow into new plants, which is important because the forests of Madagascar are being destroyed at a very high rate.

We the undersigned request your consideration in forming a committee or task force for responsible growth management to preserve the vulnerable and fragile ecology of Madagascar, especially the lemur, and other fragile species of plants and animals affected by the rapid ruination of the Malagasy landscape. Economically, this would behoove the Malagasy citizenry by creating long term solutions to growth and development rather than robbing the precious resources that may never be replenished.
We thank you, in advance, for your thoughtful consideration to this matter
and look forward to assisting in achieving this goal.

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