Save the Helen Keller House in Southold, NY

Ian Toy, an eighth-grader in Southold, is working to save the Helen Keller House, a beach cottage in Southold where the historic icon once summered. The house is in severe disrepair and faces imminent demolition by Suffolk County unless Ian can gather enough support from elected officials and concerned citizens. He will take his appeal to the Suffolk County Legislature on May 11th, where 1st District Legislator Edward Romaine will request $400,000 be added to the 2011 Suffolk County Budget for the restoration of the house.  After the initial meeting, he will continue to meet with Suffolk County Legislators and the County Parks Department to fight to save the Helen Keller house. 
We, the undersigned, support the preservation and restoration of the Helen Keller House at Cedar Beach, Southold, NY, and ask the Suffolk County Legislature to approve any and all necessary measures to fund and support the project.
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