Stand up for Pitbulls Stop the ban and condeem of them

WE the people who have signed are asking for TOUGHER laws and Hefty fines against people who Fight and Abuse Pitbulls.Pitbulls are not bad dogs and banning the breed is Wrong!Be AGAINST the people Abusing and Fighting them,Not the breed.NO BREED IS BAD!Let's Stand up for this breed we love Before it Too late!They are fought and tortured what happening to this world when States would rather condeem the breed and ban them INSTEAD of going against the people FIGHTING and ABUSING  them!!They made money on these poor dogs make them pay large fines!!Look at that man Michael Vick what he made abusing these poor dogs!!Still all States want to do is ban the breed!!That how they think to solve the problem?All they are doing is hurting the breed these horrible people will just find ways to hide the dogs then these dogs will go through even more misery.The solution is If you own a female you have to get a special permit for the dog  and prove you are a  reputable breeder  who takes care of the female and it only allowed so many litters. IF your caught fighting them your first offense should already be hefty fines and jail time.As  the offenses go it should start out tough and become more SEVERE if caught again.If it is suspected you are training them to fight then that should carry a hefty fine and be a FELONY also.IF anyone caught at a dog fight then  that a FELONY cause you did nothing to report the crime.There are ways to help this breed and make it where people like us who love them can feel good that we fought for them and they are able to continue to be apart of our lives.The hefty fines could pay Animal officers to set up teams to patrol and check suspicious areas known for dog fighting.We as a people need to call Animal officers if we know or suspect a dog being train to fight,or know people that are fighting them.Michael Vick would NOT of been able to hurt SO MANY of these dogs if someone had spoke up..Bottom line there a way of helping this breed instead of banning and killing them!.Through hefty fines the State could use that money to help the dogs that have been fought to try and rehibilitate them.They could raise awareness to young people on these horrible crimes against these dogs.Try and show what the dog endures.There are ways to crack down on this barbaric act.The money could be put to such great use to help these dogs.What are these States thinking?Ban a breed?What that going to do but push these bad people to hide the dogs and bring more pain to the dog?Until they are faced with prison time and hefty fines they won't stop!We who have signed are asking for Tough jail time,Hefty fines and the money to be put toward Animal Cops to be able to focus on this and have forces to work on this Important Priority.Bring better awareness to people about how these dogs suffer and be able to  let them know they can report it Anonymously. I ADMIT I am new at writing a petition But I can't sit back no longer and just hope the onslaught against the breed by the media and States who rather ban the dog then go AGAINST the ones who abused the dog and they think banning the poor defenseless breed  the answer so BLAME the breed for what a irresponsible heartless person did to it?.Well ALL dogs can bite.All dogs can be aggressive the bottom line is the owners.What are they going to do kill and ban every breed that some bad humans get off on fighting?What if next it rottweilers?Banning the breed does NOTHING.Abusive heartless people will just seek out another animal to abuse for the sport of money.Until you make it a FELONY to abuse animals with SEVERE penalties and REAL jail time then they WON'T STOP.They are just thinking that the Lawmakers would RATHER ban and have the breed put down then to change the laws to PROTECT the breed and ALL animals.What message does that send?It ok to train and fight and abuse this breed?That animals are NOT looked at as IMPORTANT that even Lawmakers would see the animal banned and put down?What message does it send?That Abuse a animal and the animal the one blamed!!That animals are not seen as important and as needed as people?When did animals become so less needed in this world?Is it not a fact that people actually live better lives because of a beloved pet?Is it not TRUE that sick people recover better cause of a pet?All I can say is PLEASE EVERYONE let's stand up for this breed that NEEDS us.We are people ALL over the WORLD saying STOP ban and condeem the breed and make it a FELONY to abuse them!!I will march and raise awareness anyway I can for this precious breed and the undersigned here are saying yes to pitbulls and enough to the abusers!!



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