We, the undersigned,  
We ask the agency UN Human Rights to form a research and observation team on the case of political prisoners in Bolivia, specially Juan Kudelka's case.He has been encarcelated for not agree to lie when the prosecutor asked him to do so. Since then Juan Kudelka has been in jail and several human rights violated. On june 16th he was submerged in cold water at 7 am with a temperature of  0 ° degress farenheit. That is an act of torture and we couldn't  make a complaint because he was intimidated by some officers.

There has been murders and illegal detentions since 2009 as well as violations of human rights and imprisonment of innocent people. All the prissoners are for political reasons, basically oponents to the Government of  Evo Morales.
We also ask to send observers to the trial in order to avoid more human and legal rights violations , which have been going on continuously at the hearings. There are videos and press material to confirm these actions.

We are sure you know about this case already because there are european citizens that has been murdered and others detained on this case.



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