Rick Scott,  newly elected governor of Florida, has failed to put forth the best interest of Florida.  Mr. Scott campaigned on the premise of accountability and responsibility.  Yet not only did Mr. Scott invoke his 5th amendment right over 70 times during questioning on Medicare fraud during the time he was CEO of Columbia/HCA, he also stated that he had no idea the fraud was being perpetrated.  He lied on being accountable and responsible.  Columbia/HCA paid the largest fine in US history for their acts. 
Now, as governor of Florida, Mr. Scott has removed the budget line for a drug database for Florida which is needed to connect with other states to prevent overdosing, deaths, and rampant patient milling.  
Mr. Scott  withdrew a request to the Department of Justice to approve gerrymandering amendments passed by the voters of Florida.  In doing this, Mr. Scott is "invoking a FEDERAL law obligation that binds the states in an attempt to avoid enforcing a state law that he apparently would prefer the state not adopt."1     Mr. Scott likes and uses Federal law when it suits his needs and denounces it when he wants to stir controversy.   Mr. Scott has also rejected $2.4 billion dollars in federal funding for high speed rail service that would create jobs, stimulate the economy, and make commerce more easily attainable in the state of Florida, as well as sustaining and improving the infrastructure.  
Mr. Scott has touted that the rail service is Obamarail and the health care proposal is Obamacare.  Clearly, Mr. Scott has a personal agenda and political vendetta against the current President of the United States and is using the office of Governor to incite, ridicule, and offend the Presidency.  
Mr. Scott has no interest in turning Florida's economy around or job growth.  It appears he is self-serving in trying to make a name for himself in his outlandish decisions.  Moreover, his intentions steer more towards promoting his political career rather than promoting the state of Florida, as he was elected to do.
Cited:1 Richard Pildes, Professor of Constitutional Law and expert on Political Law, New York University School of Law 
Dear "Sir":
You have shown your lack of concern for the citizens of Florida, and the country in eliminating the drug database to rejecting billions in federal funding and stalling a voter passed ban on gerrymandering.  
The above only serve to show your self interest.  The gerrymandering ban was passed by a majority of voters, as you were elected.  So, if gerrymandering ban can be eliminated when a majority of voters passed it, then you, too, can be removed from office.
We move to impeach you.

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