Homeschooling Freedom in NH

We the undersigned residents of New Hampshire do hereby petition our
representatives on the House Education Committee to carefully review the history
and strong tradition of parental rights during their study of HB 368 on home
education.  There is no constitutional basis for many of the requirements made
in the current home education law, RSA 193-A.  It is inequitable.  

Parents must not be considered 'guilty until proven innocent ' of educational
neglect when they educate their children at home.  Other non-public educators do
not have statutory requirements to produce evidence on the academic progress of
their students; nor are their programs at risk of probation or termination based
upon these outcomes.  Home educators must have equal treatment under the law.

It's a parent's right and responsibility to educate his/ her child unless he/she
transfers that responsibility to a public school. There is no statutory
oversight of non-public school programs; the only oversight is parental
oversight.  Parental oversight is the natural order.

We the undersigned residents of New Hampshire do hereby petition our
representatives on the House Education Committee to carefully review the history
and strong tradition of parental rights during their study of HB 368 on home
education.  There is no constitutional basis for many of the requirements made
in the current home education law, RSA 193-A.  It is inequitable.  

Parents must not be considered 'guilty until proven innocent ' of educational
neglect when they educate their children at home.  Other non-public educators do
not have statutory requirements to produce evidence on the academic progress of
their students; nor are their programs at risk of probation or termination based
upon these outcomes.  Home educators must have equal treatment under the law.

It's a parent's right and responsibility to educate his/ her child unless he/she
transfers that responsibility to a public school. There is no statutory
oversight of non-public school programs; the only oversight is parental
oversight.  Parental oversight is the natural order.


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