Beholdance: Keep the Ban on Whaling

It was announced on Earth Day that the International Whaling Commission put forward a deal to legalize commercial whaling. This is putting all of the world's largest mammals at risk for disappearing from our oceans forever. Please sign the petition to stop the whaling before we see another species vanish. Remember, Extinction is Forever.
We are saying, "No to legalizing commercial whaling."
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge leaders to act now to keep the ban on commercial whaling. 
Dear Mr. President, 
It was announced on Earth Day that the International Whaling Commission put forward a deal to legalize commercial whaling. This would be the first time in generations that this would be allowed and the moratorium is for 10 years. It is outrageous to think our own country would release the ban for nothing but profit at the expense of native wildlife, many of which are highly at risk due to climate change, ocean noise and pollution.  
Also, it would not control those exploiting loopholes it would only reward Japan, Iceland and Norway who have failed to comply. I agree we need to find a way to stop the deadlock; however, killing is never the answer because Extinction is Forever.  
This proposal would open up the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and allow the hunting and killing of whales. There is no scientific justification for killing whales and we do not want to see this to happen. I am counting on you, Mr. President, your administration to do what it right for the children on this planet as it is there future these decisions will affect. The right choice is to secure a natural balance that is healthy and sustainable for all living things. This includes some of the largest mammals on the planet, so DO NOT legalize whaling and let that become your legacy. Death solves nothing and saves nothing.  
I respectfully urge you to REJECT this plan and to choose life.  

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