Free Davon Acklin

Davon Acklin, 23, is a seriously ill young man, not being treated properly for the illnesses he has going on with his present healthcare. He is incarcerated within the Arizona prison system, where he contracted Hepatitis C.  Davon isn't getting the proper meds for his Hep C, nor is he getting proper dietary needs that could greatly improve these health issues. Davon is in need of concentrated treatment, specifically to address his Hep C. Without it, he could very well perish within this prison system.

In addition to the lack of physical healthcare that Davon needs for the Hep C,  Davon also suffers from serious mental illness. It seems Davon doesn't meet the prison criteria for his many issues. He should be monitored, and treated accordingly for the Hep C,  which could be greatly improved upon, at little or no more cost to the state. Proper diet would help Davon immeasurably.

No inmate in our country's prison system should be denied care for any medical attention they may need, but in Davon's case, his health is in jeopardy now, and he cannot wait ten months to his release date for treatment.  We are asking for your help to get  Davon the pardon for which he is eligible to receive at this time from Governor Jan Brewer.

We're asking for your help, so that this young man may be returned to his mother's care, where he'll receive proper diet, to deal effectively with his Hep C, and so he can get the greatly needed treatment to address his specific issues that are required to moderate his mental health issues. Davon will thrive at home amongst those who love him, and know him.

All his mother wishes, is to have her son home with her, where she can watch over him, and see to his medical and emotional health needs. She just wants him home with her!

Please sign today, and stand with us to free this young man, and we need real signatures! Davon deserves to be home, where he'll have a chance to live out his life getting the necessary care he now requires to ensure his survival. He needs to be surrounded by those who love him, and don't see him as merely a number, and a lesser than human individual.  You can read the article below from the  hopeworkscommunity to learn more of Davon Acklin, and his predicament. Please help us in our efforts to Free Davon Acklin! His mother needs him home with her now.

Stand Up For Justice, Stand Up For Davon Acklin!

Free Davon Acklin
By hopeworkscommunity

Davon Acklin didn't just fall between the cracks. He lives there.

He is 23 years old and an inmate of the Arizona prison system. Like many people with severe mental illness he found out that a system which offers inadequate or no services at all to people with serious emotional problems leaves many of them in prison and too many of them in a hell which ultimately destroys their chances for recovery, and any kind of life worth having.

He may be dying. He has hepatitis C courtesy of the prison environment he lives in. His liver has been affected and without serious medical attention his chances of making it much longer are virtually nil. He has 10 months left to release. His mother has appealed to the authorities to give him compassionate release. She only wants to be with her son, and if he must die, she doesn't want it to be in a hell hole with people who look upon him as only a number and less than a person. She wants him home. She just wants him home.

He was convicted originally of assault with a deadly weapon. He was psychotic, and had stolen a battery. Two security guards ran after him. In a panic he brandished a box cutter at them.  His first year was spent in solitary confinement in a Super Max prison. He found out that his punishment for being sick, being scared, and being psychotic was to have a planned, brutal attack on the tattered shreds of his sanity. Imagine what one year in solitary confinement would be for you. Now imagine if you were already emotionally ill.

There is some treatment available in the prison, but the state of Arizona has a protocol to decide who should get it, or not. Davon doesn't meet the criteria.

He 'committed' a crime, but he is not a criminal. His family was trying to find placement for him before anything happened. His illness struck first.

His mother tells me he has given up. He sees himself as being alone and powerless against a system which seems determined to get its pound of flesh. But you can help.

Take a few minutes out of your day and write him. Let him know you care. Let him know he is not alone. His contact information is:

Davon Acklin (223880)
ASPC-Tucson/ Manzanita
PO Box 24401
Tucson, AZ 87345

It will be the best few minutes you spend tomorrow. Please act. Please spread the word and tell others. Share this post with as many people as you can. This is a horrible injustice. Mental illness should not be a capital crime. There are far too many Davon's within the system. Please stand for him.


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