A bill #437 has been proposed in West Virginia that establishes minimum standards of care for the thousands of breeding dogs housed in West Virginia's puppy mills. It is commendable that state leaders are taking steps to protect dogs in the state's commercial breeding facilities and establish a spay/neuter program to reduce animal overpopulation and homelessness. You can read more on their efforts and laws on safeguarding animals in the state at http://asci.uvm.edu/equine/law/cruelty/wv_cruel.htm, http://www.apainc.org/wp-content/uploads/West-Virginia-Animal-Cruelty-Summary.pdf, along with laws, charges and penalties nationwide for animal crimes at http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/PDF/AnimalCrueltyLaws.pdf.
There is much more to be done throughout the state in order to protect animals. I propose that any and all offenses against an animal be classified as a felony. Along with the felony offense and appropriate consequences, the offender would be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed. Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty. It should be common knowledge in present day that abusing any animal in any manner is cruel and unjust. This is not a new issue and humans needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures. The respect and care of animals should begin with our youth, teaching them that animals are not objects without feelings. Provide stricter penalties against any human who commits an intentional form of animal abuse in any manner and give these defenseless creatures the protection they deserve.
My purpose in this petition is to urge West Virginia State Legislators to implement tougher animal cruelty laws, charges and penalties, ensuring all crimes against animals be classified as a felony with strict repercussions. You can lend your support on this issue by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own comments and thoughts on this matter.
West Virginia State Legislators – It is highly commendable that you are taking some strides on the defense of animals since they need and deserve humans to be their voice and protection. In this effort, I propose that any and all offenses against an animal be classified as a felony. Along with the felony offense and appropriate consequences, the offender would be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed. Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty. It should be common knowledge in present day that abusing any animal in any manner is cruel and unjust. This is not a new issue and humans needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures. The respect and care of animals should begin with our youth, teaching them that animals are not objects without feelings. Provide stricter penalties against any human who commits an intentional form of animal abuse in any manner and give these defenseless creatures the protection they deserve.
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